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총서기획에 넣으면 어떨까 해서요.

작성자 : 관리자
조회수 : 606
Alexander,Victoria D.2003.SociologyoftheArts. Blackwell

버지니아 알렉산더의 <예술사회학> 인데요.
사회학 뿐 아니라 공연예술 관련 학과에서도 텍스트로 보기 좋습니다.
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버지니아 알렉산더의 책은
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요지는! 저작권 구입 때문에 서두르려는 거지요.
이수안위원장님을 비롯 총서기획위원님들의 의견을 기대합니다.

알렉산더 책에 대한 소개(아마존)와 목차는 다음과 같습니다.
Sociology of the Arts is a comprehensive overview of the sociology of art and an authoritative work of scholarship by a leading expert in the field. The book synthesizes the various theoretical models of art sociology, and provides empirical examples as well as stimulating exemplars of sociological work on the arts. Case studies of art works are from both ends of the cultural spectrum: fine arts (theatre, dance, symphony, opera) and popular arts (Hollywood movies, pop music, pulp fiction, TV drama, comedy and advertising). These studies, combined with the book's considerable theoretical breadth and insight, explore how art is created, distributed, received, consumed, and used by people who experience it. The book also discusses the newly emerging question of the art object itself, and the meaning of art works. Sociology of the Arts is a clearly written, well-organized synthesis for students, and a unique contribution to the field. This international selection of perspectives, empirical research, and case studies makes this book essential for teaching and learning the sociology of art, and will be of great interest to scholars.


1. Introduction : What is Art?
Part Ⅰ The Relationship between Art and Society
2. Reflection Approaches
3. Shaping Approaches
4. A Mediated View : The Cultural Diamond
Part Ⅱ A The Cultural Diamond : The Production of Culture
5. Art Worlds
5. 1 Case Study From Academy to Public Sale
6. Business and Industries
6.1 Case Study Innovation and Diversity in the Production of Music
7. Networks and Nonprofits
7.1 Case Study Piccolos on the Picket Line: A Strike in the Symphony
8. Artists
8.1 Case Study Nothing Succeeds Like Success: Careers in the Film Industry
9. Globalization
9.1 Case Study The Return of the Elgin (or Parthenon) Marbles?
Part Ⅱ B The Cultural Diamond: The consumption of Culture
10. Reception Approaches
10.1 Case Study Romance Novels as Combat and Compensation
11. Audience Studies
11.1. Case Study Cowboys, Indians, and Western Movies
12. Art and Social Boundaries
12.1. Case Study Framing Heavy Metal and Rap Music
Part Ⅲ Art in Society
13. The Art Itself
13.1. Case Study The Renaissance Way of Seeing
14. The Constitution of Art in Society
14.1. Case Study A Strange Sensation: Controversies in Art